Some of these items are high poly so pleaseĪlso use bb.moveobjects to place the both chairs on the table. Let me just say I’ve seen the stuff from her set and its sooo good. The Collab is 100% free so enjoy <3 Part one of this Collab is created by me, Part 2 will be released on and will be all made by her. The furniture is clean and pretty easy to match, so it makes building. She is literally such a good creator friend of mine and it has been such a joy working with her. The Sims 4 is sorely lacking that, but simsi45 on Mod The Sims created The Sims 4 Ikea Home Stuff as a custom content pack. LaSkrillz and I have been working on this Collab for months. Hey guys :) I hope you all had a very merry Christmas and a happy holidays <3 This set was supposed to be for Christmas day but I got hella busy due to festivities lol.